Live Sessions

Dr. Dave, Yale scientist and founder of Stempogo, is hosting online meetups for kids to explore math and science!  These meetups will be interactive whenever possible, with kids having the opportunity to get their hands dirty (with some adult supervision!)

Currently in place of live sessions, I’m running a virtual summer camp that mixes online interactive meetings with independent activities. Get more details and sign up for a free trial day here.

Past sessions:

Wednesday, May 13th at 1 PM. Is this bottle empty or full? We explored the states of matter – solid, liquid, and gas. We played with corn starch and water and added a surprising twist using a speaker!

Wednesday, May 6th at 1 PM. How to win games and influence people. We played several games, and talked about the difference between competitive and cooperative games.

Tuesday, April 28th at 1 PM. What makes something sour?

Tuesday, April 21st at 1 PM. We explored the bridges puzzle and set up for map coloring.

Tuesday, April 14th at 1 PM. How can we keep a tower from tipping over? We explored gravity and balance, and used what we learn to build tall towers.

Tuesday, April 7th at 1 PM. How can we figure out how many jelly beans are in the jar (without opening it)? We also learned how to make some cool shapes by folding a piece of paper and making just one cut.

Links from this session:

One-cut bat from Matt Parker’s Standup Maths
Fold-and-cut theorem describe on Numberphile

Other sessions include:

  • How do crystals help us see really small things? Learning why visible light is too big for some pictures.
  • Math puzzles and art. Exploring logic and graph theory through two recent puzzles, and then learning how to make art in the style of MC Escher.
  • What do cooking, cleaning, and rockets have in common? Exploring chemical reactions.
  • Who is the most important character in Frozen? What networks can tell us about our favorite stories.
  • How can we figure out the best strategy in the Monty Hall puzzle? Understanding a counter-intuitive example of probability and logic.